Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday, August 26, 2021
Dear Moshava Community,
I hope this email finds you well and that, like Camp Moshava 2021, you’ve had a tremendous summer.
On behalf of the Vaad, I am writing with mixed emotions to let you know that our much-loved Camp Director, Vicky Shizgal, has decided to retire from Camp Moshava Ennismore after Summer 2022.
Vicky has played a crucial and instrumental role in the success of Camp Moshava Ennismore over the last fourteen years. She has worked tirelessly to help us achieve our Vision to strengthen the religious Zionist community by educating and nurturing the campers and counselors entrusted to our care each summer to become role models both in Israel and the Diaspora. 
While the Vaad and I are happy for Vicky as she takes this well-deserved rest and the next steps in her journey with her ever-supportive husband, Jimmy, we will deeply miss working alongside her. Vicky has spent the last fourteen years eating, sleeping and breathing Camp Moshava Ennismore and I will personally miss hearing her constant flow of ideas on how to improve the Camp, not to mention watching her enjoy seeing those ideas bring smiles to the faces of our madrichim and chanichim.
Later this year, we will be announcing details of an event to formally recognize the valuable contribution Vicky has made to Camp Moshava Ennismore, but for now, I’m sure you all join us in thanking Vicky for all her hard work and dedication, and in wishing her and Jimmy only happiness and success. 
Please click below so that you can watch Vicky tell you herself what Camp Moshava Ennismore has meant to her, and her goal to plan and run Camp 2022 with all her usual amazing skills and energy.
Lastly, please be advised that the Vaad of Camp Moshava Ennismore has set up a Search Committee chaired by Rena Nickerson and including Arielle Wasserman, Aviva Zieleniec and Dan Diamond. This committee will be tasked with finding a replacement for Vicky beginning September 2022. I will update you in the course of this year with any material developments.
B’virkat Chaverim L’Torah V’Avodah
Jonny Hass
Chairman, Camp Moshava Ennismore

Camp Moshava begins on July 5, 2022








Visiting Day will be on July 24, 2022*

*Subject to COVID-19 guidelines