Welcome to Camp Moshava’s Registered Camper/Parent Portal !
What to Pack – 2 Week Session

Camp Clothing and Equipment
- 1 heavy & 1 light blanket
- 1 pillow
- 2 pillow cases
- 2 cot-size fitted bed sheets
- 2 bath towels
- 2 swim towels
- 2 wash cloths
- 1 pair of slippers
- 1 warm bathrobe
- 12 pairs of underwear
- 5-6 pairs of socks
- 2 pairs light pajamas
- 2 pairs flannel pajamas
- 4 pairs slacks, khakis, jeans, sweatpants
- 10 short sleeve T-shirts (girls – no cap sleeves)
- 4 pairs of shorts – basketball style or length/skirts
- stamps, pens, writing paper
- 2 kipot (boys – mandatory)
- 2 baseball caps (boys & girls)
- cosmetic bag, container
- 3 swimming suits (1 piece or tankini only)
- 1 pair of shoes for Shabbat
- 1 pair of sandals
- 4 long sleeve T-shirts
- 1 flashlight and batteries + extra batteries
- 2 sweatshirts
- 1 jacket
- 2 sweaters (heavy & light)
- 2 pair tzitzit (boys – mandatory)
- 1 pair of shower shoes / thongs / flip flops
- 1 pair of sneakers
- 1 pair of rubber boots
- 1 raincoat
- toothbrush & toothpaste
- 1 plastic drinking cup
- 1 box facial tissue
- soap & soap box
- shampoo
- deodorant
- comb & brush
- hair elastics, hairbands
- insect repellent
- sunscreen
- anti-itch cream
- camera (optional) – we suggest disposable
- 1 outdoor sleeping bag
- 1 pair of Tefilin (boys) – labeled
- 1 canteen or water bottle holder
- 1 tupperware max – 12 qt / 11.4L

Shabbat Clothing - Boys
- 2 white shirts (Friday night)
- 3 Shabbat shirts
- 2 pairs of navy blue or black pants
- 2 pairs of Shabbat pants of any color

Shabbat Clothing - Girls
- 2 dresses / skirts
- 2-3 white blouses
- 2 navy blue/black skirt (covering the knee)
- 2 tops / sweaters / shirts

Personal Hygiene Items
- cosmetic bag or plastic shower caddy — see photo
- soap and soap box
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- 1 box facial tissues
- shampoo
- deodorant
- insect repellent
- sun screen
- comb and brush
- hair elastics, hair bands
- nail clipper
- 1 plastic drinking cup

Other Items
- stamps, pens, writing paper
- 1 flashlight and batteries + extra batteries
- 1 durable knapsack
- 1 reusable water bottle
Camp Moshava will provide laundry bags.

Throat lozenges, eye drops (if needed), bite cream, moisturizer, allergy medication, etc. will NOT be provided in the camp and should be brought from home. Parents will be billed for medications dispensed to the camper, except those dispensed for occasional use that we have in stock (e.g. Advil)

Optional Items
- 1 (or more) costume or crazy hat for special activities
- 1 Tupperware/Rubbermaid container for snacks/no larger than 12 QT /11.4 L- (Sterilite brand available at Wal-Mart) — see photo
- camera – no iphone cameras (see items not to bring in the ‘Brit Chanich’ document)
- deck of cards
All food items must be peanut-free and kosher.

Sport Items
- baseball glove
- softball
- tennis racket
- hockey stick
- water gun
We do have some of these items available during free time on the sports field, but often the campers like to have their own.
All sports equipment needs appropriate safety gear.