Roshei Eidah

Sara Shore
Rosh Eidah Aleph
Hi Eidah Aleph!!!
My name is Sara Shore, and I am so excited to be your Rosh Eidah this summer!
I’m originally from Thornhill but I am currently away studying at university. I go to the University of Waterloo for Science and Business. Last year, I spent an amazing year studying in Israel at Midreshet Lindenbaum.
Last summer, I had the honour of being Sgan Eidah Alpeh and I am so excited to be coming back this summer to the same incredible, fun filled Eidah!
I love schtick and dancing and I am so excited for amazing night tochnits, lots of singing and dancing, super fun trips, and of course Eidah Aleph early dinner 🙂
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have! (
Can’t wait to meet you all soon and have the BEST SUMMER EVER!!!!!!

Amanda Wannon
Rosh Eidah Bet 1
Amanda Wanon
WHAT UP EIDAH BET 1!!!!!!!!!!
My name is Amanda Wannon and I am BEYOND excited to be your Rosh Eidah this summer!!!
Some background about me: I grew up in Los Angeles (slowly learning to be a Canadian though, don’t worry🇨🇦) and Baruch Hashem have an energetic and LOUD Moroccan family of seven! I went to Shalhevet for Highschool, spent an incredible year in Jerusalem at Midreshet Torah V’Avodah and am currently in New York studying social work at Stern College!
Fun fact about me, i’m always the first on the dance floor so get pumped for lunch dance party’s!!!! Eidah bet 1, bring your ruach, big smiles, and excitement with you and start coming up with some mifkad cheers! I’m INCREDIBLY excited to meet you all so GET HYPED for the best summer ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Please feel free to reach me at with any questions or just to say hi!!

Talia Delman
Rosh Eidah Bet 2
I’m Talia Delman and I’m super pumped to be coming back to camp as rosh eidah for another summer!
A little bit about me… I grew up in Columbus, OH, spent a year at MMY, and am currently studying nursing at the University of Pennsylvania. My favorite food is cereal and milk, I love the smell of Sharpies, I can wiggle my ears, I have a secret talent for building Ikea furniture, and I can fake sneeze really well.
My favorite parts about camp are the lunchtime dances and the dodgeball tournaments so GET READY!!!! I can’t wait to see everyone returning from last summer and meet all the new faces too!
Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions, to introduce yourself, or just to say hi! Bet 2, get ready to put this summer in the books!!! I’m counting down the days until camp and I hope you are too!

Zev Bell
Rosh Eidah Gimmel
Hey everyone!!
My name is Zev Bell and I’m so excited to be the Rosh Eidah for Eidah Gimmel at Moshava this summer! I went to TannebaumCHAT in Toronto, learned in yeshiva in Israel at Yeshivat Har Etzion (The Gush), went to McMaster for a year and then transferred to Yeshiva University (YU, also known as Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan), and am currently studying Politics and Psychology, and learning in Rav Rosensweig’s shiur. I love learning, playing sports, and hanging out with others, and I really appreciate good shtick.
This is my third summer at camp: two years ago I was a Eidah Daled counsellor (shout out to the Daled dogs!) and last year I was Rosh Eidah Daled (Go Dinos!). This year I’m changing it up a bit, and can’t wait to be Rosh Eidah Gimmel!!
I can’t wait to spend my summer in Ennismore once again. Among so many other things, G-d willing, I can’t wait to learn Torah, chant cheers, dance, grow in Avodat Hashem, and much more together with everyone at camp. This has been an incredibly difficult year for Am Yisrael, and an amazing summer is needed more than ever.
I am more than happy to be in touch with people even before camp starts, so feel free to email me at for any questions, to learn, or just to chill. Always happy to talk!
Eidah Gimmel – get ready for an unforgettable summer!!

Shai Fish
Rosh Eidah Daled
My name is Shai Fish. This is my second summer as a Rosh Eidah in Moshava Ennismore which makes me (and hopefully you) beyond excited for this summer!
I was born and raised in West Hempstead, NY, and went to Yeshiva Har Torah for elementary school, and Rambam Mesivta for high school. But have no fear I myself am a Canadian citizen (if that counts for anything). I am currently studying psychology at Binghamton University after 1.5 years at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah.
If I had a week to do whatever I wanted, I would learn torah, play the ukulele, and play roller hockey. Despite living in America my whole life I have never been off the east coast (except for Israel and Ennismore).
I am super excited to announce that this will in fact be the best summer of your lives, and hope you are planning accordingly! Can’t wait to meet all of you, and for you to join me on the journey of creating the best Eidah Daled ever!!!
Please don’t be afraid to reach out with any questions/concerns or just to say hello (I don’t bite anymore….),, looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Ahuva Goldfield
Rosh Mach Hach
What’s up Mach Hach Chevra?!!?!!
My name’s Ahuva Goldfield and I am counting down the days until I get to be your Rosh MH this summer!!!
I’m so excited to get to know you all, so here are some fun facts for you to get to know me! I currently live in Toronto, I went to Ulpana for high school, spent an amazing year at MTC and now in my undergrad at Seneca College!
Now for the more important facts: This is my 4️⃣th summer back at camp! I am obsessed with shtick, I LIVE for colour war, You can always catch me at a dance party (I’m a pro at the mosh camp dances, I even choreographed the biderech hamelech one for colour war;), Last but not least, if you see someone walking around camp in a blow up dinasour suit it’s probably me.
Mach Hach, I’m pumped to make this summer your best one yet!!!! If anyone has any questions or just wants to say hi, please feel free to reach out! my email is